by Sue Piette on Feb 21, 2022
Turning Trends into Strategy
It is the age-old question in a marketer's universe. How can we enhance our marketing strategy to generate leads, drive traffic, and bolster brand awareness? It's an important question to get right, but it can be challenging because the answer is constantly changing.
Trivera recently hosted a webinar that dove into How to use 2021's Marketing Trends to Achieve ROI in 2022. A hot topic for many, the webinar was well-attended by marketers across various industries.
So, where do you begin to look for and analyze marketing trends? An excellent place to start is with Google.
Google, the behemoth tech company, is rich with information regarding what people are interested in purchasing, doing, seeing, and experiencing. In fact, it processes over 8.5 billion searches each day. Forty-six percent of product searches begin on Google. And users spend around 16 minutes on Google - every day.
The ins and outs of Searching.
Google made 4,500 updates to Google Search in 2020. These modifications encompassed things like ranking or user interface changes. For comparison's sake, in 2019, Google made 3,200 alterations to Google Search, and in 2010, about one change a day.
Google said the 2021 Search version was updated with new information, making it easier to navigate and bookmark sections. It gives an overview of the technology and what it looks like to organize the world's knowledge. The new Search better understands what users are looking for and connects them with the most relevant, helpful information.
(Self-Serving Plug Alert): Because Google is such a powerhouse of valuable marketing information, Trivera is a Google Partner. What is a Google Partner, you ask? It's when a company has proven its ability to help businesses succeed online and meet Google performance standards. As a partner, we are notified of the latest trends and Google product enhancements. We participate in ongoing training, and we can try new product releases before they are available to the public.
Okay, we've got Google covered. Where else can we look for marketing trends? How about technological innovations like the metaverse? It could alter the ways consumers interact with organizations when seeking out their products and services.
It can be a complex concept to grasp but try hard because it is here to stay. The metaverse is a network of 3D virtual worlds where you can interact, game, and experience things you would enjoy in the real world using augmented and virtual reality technology, like smart glasses and headsets. According to Mark Zuckerberg, the metaverse is the next evolution of social connection, so moving forward, we need to figure out how that works from a marketing perspective.
What to do in 2022? You have options. Our research shows focusing on the following may lead to digital marketing success:
Get more strategic. As automation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning take away a lot of the grunt work of digital marketing, marketers everywhere must become more strategic as options in digital marketing continue to grow.
- Recommendation: Think strategically and focus on what really drives business growth.
Produce faster websites. Website traffic is overwhelmingly mobile - however, most websites still don't have fully mobile-optimized experiences. As Google launched Core Web Vitals, (which is a set of specific factors made up of page speed and user interaction measurements), speed will become even more critical.
- Recommendation: It's no longer an option. Organizations must make sure their websites are mobile-optimized.
Embrace LinkedIn. LinkedIn continues to be a rising star in the digital space. Each quarter, they show growth in monthly active users, engagement on the platform, and launch new features that drive better results for businesses.
- Recommendation: Go all-in on LinkedIn.
Grow your digital skills and staff. Digital skills are the most in-demand right now, but there is a big gap between many businesses searching for digital candidates and skilled digital folks in the marketplace.
- Recommendation: Continue to upskill your current team, plan ahead, and build a bench.
Do more with less. The explosion of digital marketing options means businesses are spread very thin across too many channels and are unsure what to do. What ends up happening is that nothing works, and marketers get frustrated.
- Recommendation: Focus on two or three digital channels and master them.
Feeling a little overwhelmed with all your digital marketing opportunities? We got you. The Trivera team can create a custom digital marketing strategy that supports your company's goals and helps the bottom line. Take a look at what we can do for you. Give us a call at 262-250-9400 or request a complimentary whiteboard. Let's talk!
About Sue Piette
Sue Piette, content specialist at Trivera, a 28-year-old strategic digital marketing firm, with offices in suburban Milwaukee. Sue has been writing professionally since 1999, as a content developer, editor, fundraiser and special events planner, helping businesses and organizations reinforce their brands by taking full advantage of content as a powerful tactic.
Photo Credit: Adobe Stock
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